travelling with kids

Travelling to Oman with Kids is an Adventure in Itself

When a person thinks about travelling, they imagine the peace of mind and relaxation. But when it comes to travelling with kids or foster kids, the idea of peace vanishes and relaxation is out of the door. Apply today and get your Omani e-Visa by email! As assumed, travelling across the globe with children can…

first time in Oman

First time in Oman? Here are our top 5 tips for your trip

Oman, or officially known as the Sultanate of Oman, is a country in the Arabian peninsula in the western part of Asia. It holds a very strategic position on the mouth of the Persian Gulf. The country shares borders with many Arab countries which include United Arab Emirates in the North West, Yemen in south…

currency and accommodation in Oman

Currency and Accommodation advice for first-time travelers to Oman

Oman is a country of the Arab nation and is situated on the southeastern coast of the Arab Peninsula. The country is strategically located and holds a lot of political importance. Despite popular belief of the Middle East countries, the country of Oman is very safe. The Omani people are also very friendly and are…

eVisa UK Citizens

Oman Evisa for UK citizens

Within the last decade, Oman has truly been opening its borders to the world and has spent much time and resources into improving its thriving tourist economy. However, there are still strict entry requirements for Oman, especially with regards to paperwork, visas and E-visas. A short time ago you had to apply for a paper…

How to Dress in Oman

How to dress in Oman

Oman is an Arab country known for not being as conservative or strict compared to some of its neighbours. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t customs or standards that are expected of you when you visit the country. Oman is built on its cultural and religious principles and as such it does has expectations…